Calling all young film makers! – PII Short Movie Contest 2023
Applications are now open!
Peace Islands Institute’s Short Movie Contest 2023
Peace Islands Institute invites all filmmaker high school students in New Jersey to the Short Movie Contest 2023!
The theme of the first ever PII Short Movie contest is “What does ‘Peace’ mean to you?”
We believe there are some words worth thinking about thoroughly, and peace is one of them. The most common understanding of peace is the absence of fighting or conflict. However, peace is also one the most basic human needs. Peace is like breathing: we do not notice it while it is there, but recognize its value in its absence. Though history may focus more on wars and defeats, we owe everything to peace. If there was no peace, we would live in a world like Mad Max’s.
Peace Islands Institute (PII) invites high school students in New Jersey to share what peace means to them. We encourage students to use their camera and the language of film to tell their story of peace.